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Game Genre

Art game

Engine Used

Unity 5.2

Project Duration

5 days

Tools Used



Adobe Photoshop


Game Designer

Dialogue Writer

 Game Artist

About the project

Closure is an Art Game made by a team of 5 people in 5 days as part of an Intensive Week in University. The goal of the game was to give an emotional experience to the player.

Brief Overview

Closure places the player in the shoes of a mother who just lost her seven year old daughter in a car accident. The tragedy makes the mother mentally unstable as she cannot let go of her daughter.

The game takes place in a building with 4 floors and a roof. The building symbolizes the mother's mind with each floor representing a stage of grief, with the roof symbolizing 'acceptance', the final stage. Grief comes in 5 stages : denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. With each floor, comes a set of challenges which are fitting for that stage of grief, crafted to give the player the same emotions and dilemmas a real person might feel.

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